Seven Things That Annoy Me

If you’re like me, you see things on a regular basis that annoy you. Not necessarily big things, but stuff that bothers you, that have you asking yourself, “What is he or she thinking? Why did they do that? Here is the first in what I hope will be a regular blog listing seven things that annoy me.

#1 Drivers who turn from a single left lane into the right lane. It’s not only illegal, it’s dangerous.

#2 Drivers who don’t use blinkers. Again, illegal and potentially dangerous. Blinkers are required to be on at least one-hundred feet before turning.

#3 So-called “fans” at sporting events who are constantly texting or taking selfies while the game is going on. Watch a Major League Baseball game and I guarantee you will see some fans sitting behind home plate spending more time with their heads down looking at their phone than watching the action. STAY HOME AND TEXT ALL YOU WANT! A real fan might want your seat.

#4 Public officials who don’t want to be interviewed for a story I am reporting, saying they are “unavailable” for an interview when they are quite available. When they first tell me this, I reply, “OK, how about you tell me when you are available?” The truth is they don’t want me to say, “They refused an interview” or, they “declined comment.”

#5 Facebook users bringing politics into every discussion. I belong to a Facebook group comprised of fans of the classic television show from the 50’s, The Honeymooners. Most of the posts are hilarious. But lately, some trolls have been posting political comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the show. And they are usually angry posts. I feel sorry for those people, they sound so sad. There are way too many angry political posts on social media, but posting them on this particular group page is ridiculous.

#6 Standing ovations. I respect and admire musicians, standup comedians and all types of performers. I hate when people talk during shows. I have stood and applauded after countless concerts and plays. But I have noticed over the years that standing ovations have become the norm. I’m not talking about performances by older, legendary actors, musicians or comedians who might have had a bad night. I will always stand for them in recognition for a great career. I’m talking about standing ovations like the one I recently saw for a B list actor when she was introduced on a talk show. The standing ovation has been cheapened. Hey, it’s a free country, stand if you want. I won’t boo and I will clap. But if I think the performer doesn’t deserve a “Standing O,” I’ll remain seated.

#7 Dumb live shots on TV. Also known as, “Live for the sake of being live.” You probably have seen a reporter do a live shot and open with, “It’s quiet here at the meeting hall now, but it was wild a few hours ago.” THEN DON’T DO A LIVE SHOT, DON’T START WITH THE REPORTER IN AN EMPTY ROOM, OPEN WITH THE WILD VIDEO!

What annoys you? Email me and let me know. I’ll publish some of your comments here.

My memoir, Confessions of an Investigative Reporter, launches in May from Koehler Books. Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you come here regularly for my blogs and book updates.

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